What are CMYK, RGB, PMS and grayscale?
Different end-use purposes require different colour modes. That is why there are logo versions including different colour modes like CMYK, RGB, PMS and grayscale. The aim with these, is to have well managed brand colours through various applications and medias.
Do I have to pay attention to colour modes when working with Microsoft Office applications?
JPG, GIF and PNG logos include the right colour mode RGB, so you do not have pay attention to different colour modes when working in Microsoft Office environment. When using PDF, use the RGB version (included in the ”Eumer Fishing logos for Microsoft Office” ZIP package).
How are different logo versions with different colour modes used in professional design applications?
When designing printing applications, designers choose the right colour mode version of the logo depending on their end-use purposes. Logos are available in CMYK, PMS, grayscale and black colour modes.
Terminology related to this topic:
CMYK = colour model, that is used in four colour (C = cyan, M = magenta, Y = yellow, K = key colour, black) printing. CMYK colour definition for art paper printing can differ from newspaper printing.
PMS = colour matching system for printing created by Pantone, to provide spot colours that cannot be simulated with CMYK. Includes also metallics and fluorescent colours.
RGB = colour model, that is used in television and computer screens, digital cameras, video projectors and like. RGB refers to Red, Green and Blue.
Grayscale = colour model, that includes only black colour, but is composed exclusively of shades of gray.