Visual Identity

Visual Identity

Logo versions

Negative version
The negative version of the logo can be used over a Viking Malt Red, Orange, Dark Blue or other plain, dark color area/image.


Grayscale version
When the printing technology requires it, the grayscale version of the logo is used.

Please note: Do not use this version of the logo unless there is a technical obstacle.


Black version
When it is not possible to use grayscale in the printing technique, the black version of the logo is used.

Please note: Do not use this version of the logo unless there is a technical obstacle.


Logo usage

The adjacent examples show the use of the logo. The original files of the logo must always be used, and they must not be changed in any way. Always ensure good legibility when using the logo.


Logo over a light image or color area.


Negative logo over a dark image or color area.


The positive logo must not be used over a too dark tone.


The logo must not be used over a strong pattern.


Primary colour palette

Viking Malt’s primary color palette consists of six colours: Red, Orange, Gradient, Dark Gray, Medium Gray and Light Gray. Avoid using lighter tones of colours Red, Orange and Gradient.

Viking Malt Red

HEX: #A62b4D
RGB: 166R 43G 77B
CMYK: 40C 100M 70Y
Newspaper: 30C 100M 70Y
PMS: 193
RAL: 3001

Viking Malt Orange

HEX: #F47920
RGB: 244R 121G 32B
CMYK: 65M 100Y
Newspaper: 65M 100Y
PMS: 1585
RAL: 2004

Viking Malt Gradient

Gradient colour can be constructed as a linear combination of Viking Malt Red and Orange.

Viking Malt Dark Gray

HEX: #2C232E
RGB: 44R 35G 26B
CMYK: 23C 23M 90K
Newspaper: 90K
PMS: 447
RAL: 7021

Viking Malt Medium Gray

RGB: 182R 181G 172B
CMYK: 10Y 33K
Newspaper: 10Y 33K
PMS: 7535
RAL: 7048

Viking Malt Light Gray

RGB: 227R 226G 218B
CMYK: 5Y 11K
Newspaper: 5Y 11K
PMS: 7527
RAL: 9001

Secondary colour palette

When necessary, the primary colour palette can be supplemented with colors from the secondary color palette. However, these colors should not be used on large surfaces, but mainly in situations where more colors are needed, such as in graphs, infographics, maps, etc.

Viking Malt Green

HEX: #728F4D
RGB: 114R 143G 77B
CMYK: 60C 27M 85Y 8K
Newspaper: 60C 27M 85Y 8K

Viking Malt Blue

HEX: #377AAA
RGB: 55R 122G 170B
CMYK: 80C 45M 14Y
Newspaper: 80C 45M 14Y

Viking Malt Lilac

HEX: #9892DD
RGB: 152R 146G 221B
CMYK: 40C 40M
Newspaper: 40C 40M


Primary typography

Viking Malt’s brand font is Brandon Grotesque. It should be used whenever technically possible and always in printed products, web applications and video presentations.

The font is available in the variants given here, and it can be activated via Adobe Fonts or obtained from MyFonts.

Secondary typography

If the brand font Brandon Grotesque cannot be used, the font Calibri should be used. Such use environments include Microsoft Office, among others.


The Viking Malt stamp reflects the high quality and standards of all Viking Malt products. It can be used on materials such as T-shirts and malt sacks.

More Through Malt


Crafted by



Viking Malt’s imagery is about manifesting our brand promise More Through Malt. At the level of attitude, it means passion, professionalism and the idea that everything is possible. On a practical level, it means that our imagery consists of a long chain, starting from farming and ending with the use of the consumer product. With this we are able to demonstrate that we are an operator in our industry that is truly an integrator in the entire value chain.

Image categories

Brand images can be divided into six categories: Conceptual, Farming, People & process, Customers & brewing and Consumers. Our imagery utilises both photography and 3D rendered artwork. The visual concept of Viking Malt is created by combining these elements.

Conceptual / 3D

Can be compiled of graphic elements, typography, photos and video footage.


Preferably photos exclusively produced for Viking Malt, but stock photos can also be used.

People & process

Only photos exclusively produced for us with real Viking Malt locations, processes and people.

Customers & brewing

Preferably photos exclusively produced for Viking Malt, but stock photos can also be used.


Preferably photos exclusively produced for Viking Malt, but stock photos can also be used.