

MS Power Point

For Viking Malt’s PowerPoint template, many different page templates are available, by which different types of content parts can be presented.

When producing presentations, it is good to keep the content per page as concise and clear as possible. When content consisting of different kinds of visual starting points is imported from other presentations, it is good to ensure that the final result is not excessively varied. Do not alter the settings of the individual page templates of the PPT template.

Requests for MS PowerPoint templates are addressed to Viking Malt’s communications department.


MS Word

This is the A4 Word template created for Viking Malt. Do not alter the settings of the document.

Requests for MS Word templates are addressed to Viking Malt’s communications department.



There are different layouts available for roll-ups as shown here.

Requests for roll-up templates are addressed to Viking Malt’s communications department.
